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#ifndef __GIF_MODI_H__ #define __GIF_MODI_H__ //typedef void(*gif_draw_pixel_t)(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b); typedef void(*gif_draw_pixel_t)(unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b , bool trans_gif , bool trans_pixel); typedef struct{ unsigned short SCREEN_WIDTH; unsigned short SCREEN_HEIGHT; unsigned char BYTE_5; unsigned char BACKGROUND; unsigned char ASPECT_RATIO; } SCREEN_DESC; typedef struct{ unsigned short LEFT; unsigned short UP; unsigned short IMAGE_WIDTH; unsigned short IMAGE_HEIGHT; unsigned char BYTE_9; } IMAGE_DESC; typedef struct{ unsigned char BLOCK_SIZE; //Block Size(1 Byte) 0x04固定 unsigned char BYTE_2; //Reserved(3 Bits),Disposal Mothod(3 Bits),User Input Flag(1 Bit),Transparent Color Flag(1 Bit) bool TC_FLAG; //Transparent Color Flag(1 Bit) unsigned short DELAY_TIME; //Delay Time(2 Bytes) unsigned char TC_INDEX; //Transparent Color Index(1 Byte) } GC_EXTENTION; typedef struct{ unsigned char R; unsigned char G; unsigned char B; } COLOR; typedef struct{ SCREEN_DESC screenDesc; IMAGE_DESC imageDesc; GC_EXTENTION gcExtention; } GIF_IMAGE; typedef struct{ unsigned short code; unsigned short prevCode; unsigned short nextCode; } DICTIONARY_ENTRY; class GIF { private: //unsigned char BUFFER[16]; unsigned char BUFFER[256]; unsigned short PrimaryCodeSize, PrimaryDictSize; unsigned short currentCodeSize, currentDictSize; unsigned short code, oldcode = 0; unsigned short code1, code2; unsigned short code_CLEAR, code_END; COLOR g_GlobalColorTable[256]; #define MAX_DICT_SIZE 4098 DICTIONARY_ENTRY Dictionary[MAX_DICT_SIZE]; unsigned char bitsRemaining; unsigned short getNextCode(void); int checkSignature(char*); File g_fileObject; gif_draw_pixel_t gif_draw_pixel; int read_file(File, unsigned char *, int); unsigned char read_code; unsigned char byte5; unsigned char byte9; unsigned char byte2; // Graphic Control Extension用追加 bool trans_gif; //gif_draw_pixelへの引き渡し用 unsigned char trans_color_index; unsigned char currentDataSectionLength; public: int init_decoder(File, GIF_IMAGE *); int drawGIFImage(gif_draw_pixel_t); unsigned char counter; void GIFDrawPixel(unsigned char); unsigned short imgWidth, imgHeight; }; #endif |
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#include <FS.h> #include "gif_modi.h" int GIF::init_decoder(File fileObject, GIF_IMAGE * gifImage) { unsigned int i; unsigned char bpp; unsigned short minLZWCodeLength; unsigned int GCT_size; g_fileObject = fileObject; for(int i=0 ; i < 16 ; i++) BUFFER[i] = 0; //バッファをリセットしないと再利用できない //GIF Headerの読み込み //Signature(3 Bytes) + Version(3 Bytes) "GIF89a" or "GIF87a" read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 6); if (checkSignature((char*)BUFFER) != 1) return -1; read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 7); //Logical Screen Width(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).screenDesc.SCREEN_WIDTH = (BUFFER[1] << 8) + BUFFER[0]; //Logical Screen Height(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).screenDesc.SCREEN_HEIGHT = (BUFFER[3] << 8) + BUFFER[2]; //Global Color Table Flag(1 Bit),Color Resolution(3 Bits),Sort Flag(1 Bit),Size of Global Color Table(3 Bits) (*gifImage).screenDesc.BYTE_5 = BUFFER[4]; //Background Color Index(1 Byte) (*gifImage).screenDesc.BACKGROUND = BUFFER[5]; //Pixel Aspect Ratio(1 Byte) (*gifImage).screenDesc.ASPECT_RATIO = BUFFER[6]; byte5 = (*gifImage).screenDesc.BYTE_5; //Size of Global Color Table(3 Bits) bpp = (byte5 & 0x07); //2の(Size of Global Color Table)乗個のGlobal Color Tableがある GCT_size = 2 << bpp; //Global Color Table Flag(1 Bit)があるなら if (byte5 & 0x80){ for (i = 0; i < GCT_size; i++){ //1つの色情報につきRGBの3バイトずつ、GCT_size個読む read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 3); g_GlobalColorTable[i].R = BUFFER[0]; g_GlobalColorTable[i].G = BUFFER[1]; g_GlobalColorTable[i].B = BUFFER[2]; } } else return -1; //Image Separator(1B) = 0x2cが出るまでエクステンションを正しく読み飛ばす do { read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); //Extensionコードがあるなら if (BUFFER[0] == 0x21){ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); //Block: Graphic Control Extension if (BUFFER[0] == 0xf9){ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 6); //Block Size(1 Byte) 0x04 固定値 (*gifImage).gcExtention.BLOCK_SIZE = BUFFER[0]; //Reserved(3 Bits),Disposal Mothod(3 Bits),User Input Flag(1 Bit),Transparent Color Flag(1 Bit) (*gifImage).gcExtention.BYTE_2 = BUFFER[1]; byte2 = (*gifImage).gcExtention.BYTE_2; if(byte2 & 0x01){ (*gifImage).gcExtention.TC_FLAG = true; }else{ (*gifImage).gcExtention.TC_FLAG = false; } trans_gif = (*gifImage).gcExtention.TC_FLAG; //Delay Time(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).gcExtention.DELAY_TIME = (BUFFER[3] << 8) + BUFFER[2]; //Transparent Color Index(1 Byte) (*gifImage).gcExtention.TC_INDEX = BUFFER[4]; trans_color_index = (*gifImage).gcExtention.TC_INDEX; } //Block: Comment Extension if (BUFFER[0] == 0xfe){ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); //unsigned char c_size = BUFFER[0]; //read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, c_size); do{ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); } while (BUFFER[0] != 0x00); continue; } //Block: Plain Text Extension if (BUFFER[0] == 0x01){ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 13); read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); //unsigned char t_size = BUFFER[0]; //read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, t_size); do{ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); } while (BUFFER[0] != 0x00); continue; } //Block: Application Extension if (BUFFER[0] == 0xff){ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 12); read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); //unsigned char a_size = BUFFER[0]; //read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, a_size); do{ read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 1); } while (BUFFER[0] != 0x00); continue; } } } while (BUFFER[0] != 0x2C); //Block: Image Blockの読み込み read_file(g_fileObject, BUFFER, 11); //Image Left Position(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).imageDesc.LEFT = (BUFFER[1] << 8) + BUFFER[0]; //Image Top Position(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).imageDesc.UP = (BUFFER[3] << 8) + BUFFER[2]; //Image Width(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).imageDesc.IMAGE_WIDTH = (BUFFER[5] << 8) + BUFFER[4]; //Image Height(2 Bytes) (*gifImage).imageDesc.IMAGE_HEIGHT = (BUFFER[7] << 8) + BUFFER[6]; //Local Color Table Flag(1 Bit),Interlace Flag(1 Bit),Sort Flag(1 Bit),Reserved[未使用](2 Bits),Size of Local Color Table(3 Bits) (*gifImage).imageDesc.BYTE_9 = BUFFER[8]; imgWidth = (*gifImage).imageDesc.IMAGE_WIDTH; imgHeight = (*gifImage).imageDesc.IMAGE_HEIGHT; byte9 = (*gifImage).imageDesc.BYTE_9; //LZW Minimum Code Side(1 Byte) minLZWCodeLength = BUFFER[9] + 1; //Block Size(1 Byte) currentDataSectionLength = BUFFER[10]; code_CLEAR = GCT_size; code_END = GCT_size + 1; PrimaryDictSize = GCT_size + 2; PrimaryCodeSize = minLZWCodeLength; currentCodeSize = minLZWCodeLength; return 0; } int GIF::read_file(File fileObject, unsigned char *buf, int count){ return fileObject.read(buf,count); } int GIF::drawGIFImage(gif_draw_pixel_t draw_pixel_func){ unsigned int i; gif_draw_pixel = draw_pixel_func; currentDictSize = PrimaryDictSize; counter = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAX_DICT_SIZE; i++) Dictionary[i].prevCode = Dictionary[i].nextCode = 0; bitsRemaining = 0; while ((code = getNextCode()) != code_END){ if (code == code_CLEAR){ currentCodeSize = PrimaryCodeSize; currentDictSize = PrimaryDictSize; oldcode = getNextCode(); if (oldcode > currentDictSize){ return -3; } GIFDrawPixel(oldcode); continue; } if (code < currentDictSize){ code1 = code; code2 = 0; while (code1 >= PrimaryDictSize){ Dictionary[code1 - PrimaryDictSize].nextCode = code2; code2 = code1; code1 = Dictionary[code1 - PrimaryDictSize].prevCode; if (code1 >= code2) return -3; } GIFDrawPixel(code1); while (code2 != 0){ GIFDrawPixel(Dictionary[code2 - PrimaryDictSize].code); code2 = Dictionary[code2 - PrimaryDictSize].nextCode; } Dictionary[currentDictSize - PrimaryDictSize].code = code1; Dictionary[currentDictSize - PrimaryDictSize].prevCode = oldcode; ++currentDictSize; if (currentDictSize == MAX_DICT_SIZE) return -2; if ((currentDictSize) == (0x0001 << currentCodeSize)) ++currentCodeSize; if (currentCodeSize > 12) currentCodeSize = 12; oldcode = code; } else { code1 = oldcode; code2 = 0; while (code1 >= PrimaryDictSize){ Dictionary[code1 - PrimaryDictSize].nextCode = code2; code2 = code1; code1 = Dictionary[code1 - PrimaryDictSize].prevCode; if (code1 >= code2) return -3; } GIFDrawPixel(code1); while (code2 != 0){ GIFDrawPixel(Dictionary[code2 - PrimaryDictSize].code); code2 = Dictionary[code2 - PrimaryDictSize].nextCode; } GIFDrawPixel(code1); Dictionary[currentDictSize - PrimaryDictSize].code = code1; Dictionary[currentDictSize - PrimaryDictSize].prevCode = oldcode; ++currentDictSize; //std::cout << "dictionary size: " << std::dec << currentDictSize << std::endl; if (currentDictSize == MAX_DICT_SIZE) return -2; if ((currentDictSize) == (0x0001 << currentCodeSize)) ++currentCodeSize; if (currentCodeSize > 12) currentCodeSize = 12; oldcode = code; } } return 0; } int GIF::checkSignature(char * IN){ char signature[7]; int i; for (i = 0; i <= 6; i++) signature[i] = IN[i]; if ((strcmp(signature, "GIF87a") == 0) || (strcmp(signature, "GIF89a") == 0)) return 1; else return 0; } unsigned short GIF::getNextCode(void){ unsigned int retval = 0, temp; if (bitsRemaining >= currentCodeSize){ retval = (read_code & ((0x01 << currentCodeSize) - 1)); read_code >>= currentCodeSize; bitsRemaining -= currentCodeSize; } else { retval = (read_code & ((0x01 << bitsRemaining) - 1)); read_file(g_fileObject, &read_code, 1); ++counter; if (counter == currentDataSectionLength){ counter = 0; read_file(g_fileObject, ¤tDataSectionLength, 1); } if ((currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining) <= 8){ temp = (read_code & ((0x01 << (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining)) - 1)); retval += (temp << bitsRemaining); read_code >>= (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining); bitsRemaining = 8 - (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining); } else { retval += (read_code << bitsRemaining); read_file(g_fileObject, &read_code, 1); ++counter; if (counter == currentDataSectionLength){ counter = 0; read_file(g_fileObject, ¤tDataSectionLength, 1); } retval += ((read_code & ((0x01 << (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining - 8)) - 1)) << (bitsRemaining + 8)); read_code >>= (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining - 8); bitsRemaining = 8 - (currentCodeSize - bitsRemaining - 8); } } return retval; } void GIF::GIFDrawPixel(unsigned char code){ COLOR rgbColor; bool trans_pixel = false; rgbColor = g_GlobalColorTable[code]; if(trans_gif && code == trans_color_index) trans_pixel = true; (*gif_draw_pixel)(rgbColor.R, rgbColor.G, rgbColor.B, trans_gif , trans_pixel); } |
(*gif_draw_pixel)(rgbColor.R, rgbColor.G, rgbColor.B, trans_gif , trans_pixel);
- GIFダウンロード
- GIFデコード
- 画像処理&合成
- TFT出力
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int GIF_MEM::init_decoder(uint8_t * gif, GIF_IMAGE * gifImage) { -略- } - 略 - /* int GIF_MEM::read_file(File fileObject, unsigned char *buf, int count){ return fileObject.read(buf,count); } */ int GIF_MEM::read_file(uint8_t * gif, unsigned char *buf, int count){ for(int i=0;i < count ; i++){ buf[i] = gif[gif_file_pos]; gif_file_pos++; } return 1; } |