- ネットからダウンロードしてmp3を再生する
- ネットから直接ストリーミング再生する
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#include "AudioOutputI2SNoDAC.h" #include "AudioOutputI2S.h" //AudioOutputI2SNoDAC *out; AudioOutputI2S *out; /* //内臓DACを利用する スピーカーをつなげるのはIO5 out = new AudioOutputI2SNoDAC(); out->SetPinout(26,25,5); // bclkPin = 26 wclkPin = 25 doutPin = 5 out->SetGain(3.999); // <4.0 out->SetRate(44100); out->SetBitsPerSample(16); out->SetChannels(1); */ //I2Sで外部アンプを利用 out = new AudioOutputI2S(); out->SetPinout(26,25,15); // bclkPin = 26 wclkPin = 25 doutPin = 15 out->SetGain(0.03); // <4.0 0.15Def out->SetRate(44100); out->SetBitsPerSample(16); out->SetChannels(1); |
AudioOutputI2Sを初期化してSetPinout(26,25,15)を与えます。bclkPin = 26、wclkPin(LRC) = 25、doutPin(DIN) = 15、の通りにつなげます。あとはVin=3.3v、GNDを接続すればいいだけ。あーあと、「+」「-」にはスピーカーをつなげます。これだけで素晴らしい音が鳴ります。
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#include <Arduino.h> #ifdef ESP32 #include <WiFi.h> #else #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #endif #include "AudioFileSourceICYStream.h" #include "AudioFileSourceBuffer.h" #include "AudioGeneratorMP3.h" #include "AudioOutputI2S.h" //#include "AudioOutputI2SNoDAC.h" // To run, set your ESP8266 build to 160MHz, update the SSID info, and upload. // Enter your WiFi setup here: #ifndef STASSID #define STASSID "your-ssid" #define STAPSK "your-password" #endif const char* ssid = STASSID; const char* password = STAPSK; // Randomly picked URL const char *URL=""; AudioGeneratorMP3 *mp3; AudioFileSourceICYStream *file; AudioFileSourceBuffer *buff; AudioOutputI2S *out; //AudioOutputI2SNoDAC *out; //内臓DAC用 // Called when a metadata event occurs (i.e. an ID3 tag, an ICY block, etc. void MDCallback(void *cbData, const char *type, bool isUnicode, const char *string) { const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(cbData); (void) isUnicode; // Punt this ball for now // Note that the type and string may be in PROGMEM, so copy them to RAM for printf char s1[32], s2[64]; strncpy_P(s1, type, sizeof(s1)); s1[sizeof(s1)-1]=0; strncpy_P(s2, string, sizeof(s2)); s2[sizeof(s2)-1]=0; Serial.printf("METADATA(%s) '%s' = '%s'\n", ptr, s1, s2); Serial.flush(); } // Called when there's a warning or error (like a buffer underflow or decode hiccup) void StatusCallback(void *cbData, int code, const char *string) { const char *ptr = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(cbData); // Note that the string may be in PROGMEM, so copy it to RAM for printf char s1[64]; strncpy_P(s1, string, sizeof(s1)); s1[sizeof(s1)-1]=0; Serial.printf("STATUS(%s) '%d' = '%s'\n", ptr, code, s1); Serial.flush(); } void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); delay(1000); Serial.println("Connecting to WiFi"); WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.softAPdisconnect(true); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid, password); // Try forever while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { Serial.println("...Connecting to WiFi"); delay(1000); } Serial.println("Connected"); audioLogger = &Serial; file = new AudioFileSourceICYStream(URL); file->RegisterMetadataCB(MDCallback, (void*)"ICY"); buff = new AudioFileSourceBuffer(file, 2048); buff->RegisterStatusCB(StatusCallback, (void*)"buffer"); /* //内臓DAC out = new AudioOutputI2SNoDAC(); out->SetPinout(26,25,5); // bclkPin = 26 wclkPin = 25 doutPin = 5 out->SetGain(3.999); // <4.0 out->SetRate(44100); out->SetBitsPerSample(16); out->SetChannels(1); */ out = new AudioOutputI2S(); out->SetPinout(26,25,15); // bclkPin = 26 wclkPin = 25 doutPin = 15 out->SetGain(0.05); // <4.0 0.15Def 音量注意 out->SetRate(44100); out->SetBitsPerSample(16); out->SetChannels(1); mp3 = new AudioGeneratorMP3(); mp3->RegisterStatusCB(StatusCallback, (void*)"mp3"); mp3->begin(buff, out); } void loop() { static int lastms = 0; if (mp3->isRunning()) { if (millis()-lastms > 1000) { lastms = millis(); Serial.printf("Running for %d ms...\n", lastms); Serial.flush(); } if (!mp3->loop()) mp3->stop(); } else { Serial.printf("MP3 done\n"); delay(1000); } } |